Building ProjectDiscovery Cloud Platform:
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Building powerloom protocol!
Founding engineer developing core web3 protocol, I am implementing distributed systems to aggregate smart contract data from blockchain. I have architected and implemented fault tolerant data aggregation and distribution system while maintaining proof on blockchain.
- writing open-source code aimed as a developer product.
- co-author of whitepaper, writing in-depth documentation and async work collaboration.
- implement data adapter to fetch and process data from multiple chain like ethereum, polygon and multiple contract like uniswap, sushiswap, quickswap, etc.
- implemented verification system to check integrity of protocol chain and its data.
- research and implement complex distributed system solutions to work with decentralized tech like IPFS.
- implemented modular & dynamic rate-limiter to interact with blockchain and other distributed systems.
Architected and headed future core product at company, designed multiple microservices to handle end user realtime chat system. Scale highly available using hasura, AWS: SQS, SNS Lambda cloud formation and more.
- designed and owned realtime distributed chat-system.
- synchronised huge traffic to respect third-party api service using aws SQS.
- architected central logging and monitoring service watching distributed microservice on aws lambda, EC2, hasura actions.
- researched and designed several system to plan GraphQL api using aws app-sync and hasura engine.
- written automation to help marketing and customer support team using Puppeteer and google app script.
As a core engineer in backend team I designed backend architecture to interact with multiple microservices, while core product still be a monolith. Backend API was serving ~500K MAU, while separately maintaining payment, analytics and notification services. I owned products like analytics which involved communicating requirement with business team to continuously iterate analytics collection and aggregation system.
- architected & developed analytics collection system without affecting(<5%) core product performance.
- Optimised response time on the server-side by 20% by the use asynchronous calls, multiprocessing pipelines, and distributed system architecture to serve multiple users concurrently.
- architected notification microservice to support batching while maintaining low infra cost.
- planned implemented hexagonal architecture for backend reducing 45% time in code maintenance.
- designed & scaled no-sql database to store millions of entry in tables with fast query support.
- initiated unit-testing from scratch and achieved 85% code coverage in 2 months.
Worked with application security team to dev-tooling app for security application targeting publicly available data breaches, we gathered patterns in general user password, essentially creating database of password patterns. I have developed this application single handedly written in low level language to process terabytes of data.
- multithreading can achieve 1 billion comparison per seconds.
- cross-platform(windows, linux and macOS) desktop app.
- built asynchronous disk storage system for pattern database.
- core engine written completely in c++ for performance.
- headed UI/UX design and implemented responsive frontend written purely in html, javascript and css without a single use of libraries to optimise performance in non-native desktop app.
Hardware button to interact with virtual meetings like google meet, zoom, team etc. We crowdsourced on kickstarter and indegogo to successfully raise $65K and kickstart manufacturing. I am responsible for complete windows side of software and partially handling macOS side as well.
- communicate with operating system UI tree to traverse other apps functions.
- low level code in C++ to fast tree traversal and event based system to communicate status to app.
- learned and implemented win32 and macOS UIAutomation framework.
- realtime error monitoring system using sentry, slack and segment.
- automated CI/CD using github action and CircleCI.
Patternscape: an open source project to generate database of patterns in password. It works by processing publicly available data breaches and processing huge amount to data to generate patterns. Anyone can use those patterns to analyzes vulnerable password or any other security application.
- completely open-source and freely available to use under MIT license.
- written 200 pages documentation focused on security developers.
- cross platform app: Windows, macOS and Linux.
- web interface attached with c++ engine without any bridge.
- multi-threading and concurrency can achieve 1 Billion TPS.
- web app for bitcoin payment implementation.
- realtime crypto exchange ticker.
- user auth microservices like google OAuth2.
- backend with restful api and web sockets.
- serverless, lambda and netlify.
A political simulation game based on Indian elections. It includes ideological population and political parties with resource management mechanics. I worked on it as a game and concept designer.